Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas Beginner's Guide

This guide is going to be showing and explaining most of the features currently in the game. This is mainly for people who have never played before and want an understanding of how each feature works. This particular guide will not explain daily play or strategies. I enjoy guides that have a lot of hand holding and pictures, so that's what I'm making. If you already know the basic functions of the game and don't feel you need a better understanding of them, then this probably isn't the section for you.

Official Discord Server

Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas has an official Discord Server where give out free gift-codes, poll for new additions to the game, and many other things. The community seems to be active, helpful and about as nice as you can expect from an online community. I definitely recommend joining the server to at least keep up with the plans for the game.


Choosing a Server

The game is split up into servers, with about 9 servers opening up within a few days of each other at a time. Eventually, there will most likely be some server merging and I would assume those batches will become one server. The newest servers should appear at the top of the list.

When you first load up the game, a server is automatically picked for you. This is a recommended server because it should be on its first or or second day of play. This is the better option for new players because you are starting with a level playing field.

However, if you have friends that already play this game and you would like to join their server, you can. It will be some work to catch up. It will take time and you'll have to be extra cautious with resources, but its possible.

You can also play on multiple servers, if you choose. Any server that you have a character on will appear under the "My Server" tab.

How to Join a Different Server

You will need to play the tutorial until right after you beat chapter 1-2. Once that is complete and you are on this screen, you are free to navigate back to the main screen.

You will need to play the tutorial until right after you beat chapter 1-2. Once that is complete and you are on this screen, you are free to navigate back to the main screen.

Next, click the cogwheel on the top left side of the screen.

This is will you will find the "Change Server" tab. Once you click it you will be able to pick the server you want to play on.

You will have to make a new High Guardian and redo the parts of the tutorial you already did as this is a completely different character.

Starting the Game

Pick your Avatar

The first thing the game prompts you to do is choose your avatar. This is the avatar that will represent you throughout the entire game. There are a few different outfits that can be unlocked as the game goes on, but that is as far as customization goes.

You will be able to choose the name, gender and race of your avatar. Neither the gender nor the race of your avatar has a role in gameplay. It is simply for aesthetic purposes.

At this point, there is not a way to change an avatar after it has been confirmed. However, you do get a free name change scroll at the beginning of the game.

The Story

I enjoy reading the story at least once when I play a game, but if that isn't for you, there is a skip button at the top of the screen.

Skipping the dialogue has no effect on the gameplay.

The Tutorial

You are unable to do anything on your own in the game until after you beat Chapter 1-2.

After that, you are free to navigate around, but there will still be some areas where the tutorial takes over and forces you to do things.

The Dungeon

The very first feature you unlock in the game is called The Dungeon.

This is the building where you will house prisoners for interrogation and rehabilitation.

First Champion

Despite what the text at the bottom of the screen says, you are not inviting either of these prisoners to be your companion. Companions will come into play shortly and you will eventually get companions from both of these clans, but this particular choice doesn't play a part in that.

The prisoner you choose will be your first champion. You already have two champions that you automatically started with, but this will be the first one you get to pick.

The male is an assassin and the female is a warrior. Just choose whatever best suits your playstyle. There isn't a wrong choice.


The will give you a small tutorial on how to interrogate a prisoner, but it doesn't do a good job of showing how interrogations really work. I'll take this opportunity to give a small tutorial of my own on dungeons and interrogations. There will be a more detailed explanation of dungeons here .

The Dungeon

This is the screen you will be brought to as soon as you enter the building. It should start you at the last cell you visited, which can sometimes be empty.

Above the prisoner you will see their rehabilitation percentage. When rehabilitation reaches 100% the prisoner will be converted to your side and will become a regular champion for you to use.

Under the prisoner you will see your interrogation count. This is how many times you can interrogate the prisoner before you need to wait for your points to recharge. Your count gets higher as your High Guardian gains levels.

You gain one count every thirty minutes until you reach your cap.

A red dot on either of the side arrows indicates there is another prisoner with a full count ready to be interrogated.

The Interrogation Chamber

When you click on a prisoner, you will be brought to the Interrogation Chamber. On this screen you will be presented with four methods of interrogation. The method you choose will determine how many points the prisoner's rehabilitation will increase.

The correct method is based on what the prisoner says beforehand. If you use the correct method, the prisoner gains 30 rehabilitation points. If you use the wrong method, the prisoner only gains 20 rehabilitation points.

The rehabilitation score is based on the stars of a prisoner.

One Star - 300 Rehabilitation

Two Star - 500 Rehabilitation

Three Star - 1000 Rehabilitation

There is also a debuff called Iron Will that happens if your prisoner is still in jail after two days. They will lose a slight bit of their rehabilitation, but that is all.

Roleplay Choices

After your prisoner reaches a certain percentage into rehabilitation a small dialogue will start. Your High Guardian will be presented with a choice on how to respond. To my knowledge, these choices make no difference.

There is a skip button that can be used at the top of the screen.


For every dialogue scene, you will get awarded some gold and 10 gems.

This happens multiple times over the interrogation around 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. You also get 10 gems at recruitment, totaling 50 gems per prisoner.

Interrogation Scrolls

When you run out of interrogation count, you have the option to use an interrogation scroll to restore your count back to its maximum.

Eventually, you should have more of these than you'll ever need. For the most part, I believe its better to not really use these without a purpose, such as clearing a slot for a new prisoner.

Recruit Champions

After you reach 100% rehabilitation you will be able to recruit the prisoner as a champion.

Champions recruited this way are always common. The stars will also never change. For example, a Karg will always be two stars and a Tidestorm will always be three stars.


Exploration can be done on the Exploration tab on the World Map.

On the top of the screen you will see your count of Stamina Potions. Each Exploration cost a Stamina Potion.

You can use Exploration one at a time or in batches of ten.

Doing a single Exploration at a time will have you watch your dragon fly to a spot on the map.

If you are about to acquire a champion, you will get a Might increase notice at the top of your screen before your dragon even lands.

When your dragon lands, a short (skippable) roleplay will start between your High Guardian and another character leading to your reward.

Rewards can be a variety of things from champions, to companions, to items.

Explorations done in batches of ten will either cost 10 Stamina Potions or 1350 gems.

You cannot use a combination of gems and Stamina Potions.

The batch Explorations give instant rewards with no flying dragon and no roleplay.

They are more time efficient, but that is the only benefit.

If you gained one or more champions, you will get a Might increase notice at the top of your screen with a combination of all Might gain from all obtained champions.

Development Guide

This is the Development Guide. Throughout the game it will assign quests that you can complete for rewards.

If you are anything like me, you might get overzealous and like to do things before the tutorial (or guide) tells you to do them.

At most points, this won't be an issue since you will often get stuck on the Development Guide due to saving resources for challenges. However, during the points when you know you will be moving ahead with the quests, its best to wait until you are asked to do certain actions.

Things that do not count if done before assigned:

  • Senate Issues

  • Interrogations

  • Courting Companions

  • Raising Heirs

  • Carousing with Companions

  • Collecting (from world map)

  • Collecting Taxes

Things that do count if done before asked:

    • Champion levels

    • Completing Stages

    • Hiring Workers at Districts

Exception to the Rule: If you complete a quest, the next quest becomes active even if you can't view it yet.

For example, whenever you are asked to court a companion in the development guide, the next quest will always be to raise a heir. If you court a companion when given that quest and then immediately after raise the heir, you will complete both quest.


The next thing the tutorial covers is Districts.

Districts are extremely important. They are your main source of gold in the game and they attribute to your total might score. The bonus gold chests you receive as rewards are also based on how much gold you generate per minute in your districts.

There are four types of Districts with two of each kind. There are eight Districts you can build all together. The Districts are separated into four categories with two Districts in each category.


Mill District

Pasture District


Faire District

Market District


Industrial District

Production District


Harbor District

Tavern District

This is the Districts screen. On it you will see all the Districts, even the ones you haven't unlocked yet. The one that will be unlocked next will have its name revealed while the others will just show padlocks.

On the bottom left of the screen is your gold income per minute. This can go up or down depending on the champions you assign in your districts.

On the bottom right is where you collect your taxes. After you collect, it immediately starts refilling based on your gold per minute and can store up to twelve hours of gold.

When you click on a district you will be brought to its information screen. There are three tabs: Level Up, Hire, and Assign.

Level Up is where you use construction plans to increase the level of your District.

The level of your District will determine the percentage of gold you earn, the max number of workers you can hire, and how many champions you can assign.

The Hire tab is where you hire more workers to work in your District.

Each worker cost food to hire.

You can hire 50 workers per level of the respective district.

Each worker raises your gold per minute by around 5 gold per minute.

The Assign tab is where you select champions to run your Districts.

You will earn additional gold per minute equal to the leadership stat of the champion you assigned.

You can assign additional champions when your district reaches a certain level up to a maximum of five.

District Level Number of Champions

1 1

5 2

10 3

15 4

20 5


After beating Stage 1-15 you will unlock your first companion.

Companions are representatives from each clan that you can have heirs with. The gender of the companion doesn't matter. You can switch the gender of any and all of your companions at any time. It is just aesthetic, so pick whatever you like.

You can only obtain one companion per clan (but as mentioned, they are swappable between male and female).

The stars on a companion never change, but the quality of the heirs born with them does based on your intimacy level with them.



When you click on the companion icon at the bottom of the main screen you will be brought to this page. Here you can see the companions you have already unlocked, as well as the ones you have yet to meet.

Each companion's plate will show :

  • their picture

  • their clan

  • their name

  • their intimacy level (lips)

  • their charm(rose)

  • their star level

Courting Companions

As soon as you obtain a companion you are able to court them. Courting is how you produce heirs. The tooltip says that there is a chance to produce an heir, but there isn't a chance, its a guarantee.

After courting the companion will go on a cooldown period. The amount of time they are on cooldown will depend on the number of stars they have.

  • 1 star is on cooldown for 12 hours

  • 2 stars is on cooldown for 2 days

  • 3 stars is on cooldown for 7 days

You are able to court a companion during that cooldown period if you have a bouquet to give them. Courting a companion with a bouquet does not restart their cooldown timer.


The tutorial doesn't go over this yet, but I'll mention it here.

Under your companions' plates is the "Carouse" button.

While courting is one on one time with you and your companion of choice, carousing is a big party where everyone is invited.

At the bottom of the screen is the tab for the companionship page.

You will receive a certain amount of charisma per companion that you carouse with.

This means its better to use carouse when you have a lot of companions instead of just a few, with the exception of quests and the development guide.

On the companionship page, your companions are separated into sets of three.

As you unlock companions, they picture will brighten and they will also be unlocked in the companionship details.

This is the companionship details page and this is where Charisma is spent.

On the bottom half of the screen you will see district bonuses you can unlock. You can unlock the first one when you have one of the companions in the frames, the second when you have another, and the third when you have the last. The order you get the companions doesn't matter.

The first set of bonuses gives you a +4 to the districts pictured next to it per level. This level caps at 200.

The second set of bonuses gives you a +8 to the districts pictured next to it per level.

The third set of bonuses gives you a +16 to the districts pictured next to it per level.

I've been using the 20/10/5 method while leveling these and it has worked out well for me.



Each Companion has a cooldown period after they have been Courted. The cooldown depends on the number of stars a Companion has.

You can Court a companion during that cooldown if you have a Bouquet to give to them, but these are a resource and should not be used unnecessarily.

Courting a Companion with a Bouquet does not reset their cooldown timer.

Raising Heirs

Heirs need to be raised by the High Guardian in order to age up.

Every heir, regardless of quality, is born with 6/6 energy. For every action (Train, Play, Study) you perform with your heir, one Energy is spent and Growth is increased by one.

One Energy is restored every two hours up to a cap of six.

How many points an heir needs to fully grow up is determined by their number of stars.

For example: A two star heir will only need 15/15 Growth to level into a full adult champion.

When the heir is around halfway raised it will turn into a child and the gender will be revealed.

When an heir is fully raised, they still need to be 'Developed' before they grow up. This is important later on, when you want to fill up your slots with fully raised heirs to use during events.

**Note: To my knowledge, the actions you perform while raising your heir have no impact on what traits they get

**Theory - I believe the game already knows if the heir will be a male or female at birth. If you look at the name the heir is born with you can usually guess if it will be a male or female


Adult Heir

A fully raised heir becomes a Champion that you can use as you would any other Champion.

Champion Page

When you go to the Champion page you can see this is one of your heirs from the symbol under the Champion's Clan and Name.

You can look further into this Champion by checking the Genealogy page.


You shouldn't have to deal with marriages for a while, but when you do, this is a page you will look at a lot.

This shows who the Champion is related to, which is important because closely related Champions cannot marry.

The family tree can only show three generations total. This means once a family member is no longer visible on the family tree, they are no longer considered closely related. This is where the two marriage rule comes in later on (explained in the Marriage Guide )

High Guardian Levels

High Guardian Levels

High Guardians level by reaching a certain amount of total Might.

Might can fluctuate during the game due to various reasons and when it does you do not lose any High Guardian Levels you have earned. It will go down to the Might you are currently at, but the goal for the next level with stay the same.

Leveling up resets your daily reward box, allowing you to collect again, but does not reset the timer. Daily rewards will always be able to collect daily after server reset.

**Note: When you unlock the Senate, be sure to use up any Senate Issues you have available. This is because leveling up adds more Senate Issues for you, but are still limited by your cap.


Every level you earn as High Guardian gives certain rewards, like companions, collection increases, or resources. See the High Guardian page for more details.


Collecting can be done on the world map.

You can collect at any point as long as at least one minute has passed since your last collection.

When there is a red dot on the Collect icon, it means your Collection is full and nothing further will be collected until what you have is claimed.

This is your Collection Time. This shows how much time has passed since your last collection.

Around once an hour you will discover a Lead. This lead can lead to capturing a fugitive that will go to your Dungeon.

If the lead escapes, you will receive one Stamina Potion instead.

**Note: At this point, there seems to be a bug that makes it so the Karguk escape every time.

This is the amount of food you earn per minute. This amount increases each time you move forward in the campaign.

This is your Total Collection Time Limit. This is increased as your High Guardian gains levels.

Quick Collect

The option to Quick Collect is available for free once per day. It is accessed through the World Map, right above the regular Collect button.

A red dot on the icon means you have a free Quick Collect available.

Quick collect gives a certain amount of minutes worth of Collections instantly.

It resets every day during server reset.

The rewards, such as the amount of food or quality of gear, are based on the rewards you would earn from a normal Collection.

Quick collection does not change the timer on a regular Collection.

Quick collect can be done a total of six times per day.

  • The first Quick Collect is free.

  • The second Quick Collect is 50 gems.

  • The third Quick Collect is 100 gems.

  • The fourth Quick Collect is 200 gems.

  • The fifth Quick Collect is 300 gems.

  • The sixth Quick Collect is 400 gems.

Capturing Fugitives

Discovering Leads

Interrogations start with capturing fugitives through Collecting on the World Map

Successful Capture

If you successfully capture a fugitive you will be given the option to "Exile" or keep them "Captured".

If you try to keep them Captured, but you don't have any slots left in your Dungeon, then you will be unable to hold them and forced to click "Exile"


Exiling a fugitive does not get rid of them immediately. It puts an icon on the World Map that is set on a timer.

At any point before the timer runs out, you can click on the fugitive and capture them.

This is very useful if your Dungeon is full and you need some time to clear a spot.

**Clicking on the fugitive and clicking Exile again does not reset the timer.

The Leaderboard

The Leaderboard shows the ranking of every player on the server.

There are opportunities to earn gems from the Leaderboard every day.

The first player to reach a milestone in each category will have their avatar shown on this screen along with the date and time they achieved it.

Every player will get a 50 gem reward for this player's accomplishment.

Everyday you can check in once per each category.

It will feature a random player and you will earn 10 gems from this action.

You can earn a total of 40 gems per day in this way.

Setting up a GoatID

This doesn't have to be done right away, as you can't even access your Companions yet, but it is a good thing to do at some point early on.

Create and/or Link GoatID

Click the button near the top left of your screen, under your portrait to complete this process.

Aeson Companion

The number one reason to sign up for/link your GoatID is to get the Aeson companion.

Redemption Codes

Anytime after beating Chapter 1-2 you can navigate back to the main screen and enter redemption codes to get some free things to help you along your way.

To get to your High Guardian's Profile click on your portrait in the top left corner.

Click on the cogwheel near the top left of the screen.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Redemption Code"

These are the active codes at the time of writing this:

  • BLD623


  • BLD500K

  • BLDDC10K -

    • 200 gems

    • 100,000 gold,

    • 20 love packs


    • 3 bonus gold (1 hour)

    • 6 bonus gold (10 min)

    • 200 gems


    • 20 love packs

    • 100 gems

    • 100,000 gold

Misc. Rewards

This game is filled with a bunch of random places you can get gems and rewards. These are a few that are available right at the start of the game.


This is a short Google Forms survey on your experience with Bloodline.

I definitely suggest you complete the survey before the time runs out, but it might be better to wait a little bit first. The survey asks some general questions about how you heard about the game and how you are liking it so far, but it does eventually ask for suggestions and I think this kind of feedback is really important.

Feature Preview

This will give some small rewards as you unlock new features.


Keep an eye out on your mailbox. The developers often send out little rewards or compensation for maintenance.


After completing stage 2-5, the Senate will unlock.

As you progress in levels, the senate will start providing a chance at higher level gear. Eventually, you will have the opportunity to get godlike gear from senate orders, but it is a risk. I prefer to get my godlike gear from Valley of Conquerors.

For the most part, I wouldn't choose anything besides food since the Senate is your main way of obtaining a good amount of food in this game.

Senate Issues take an hour to recharge.


To upgrade a piece of gear, navigate to the champion page that has the gear you want upgraded.

Click on the item you wish to upgrade.

Once on this screen press the enhancement button.

Here you will choose gear that will be sacrificed to make this item better.

Any gear put in for enhancement level will be lost.

Once you fill the bar up to the next level and click confirm enhancement you will be charged some gold and the item will increase in level.

Green gear is worth 20 points and can be upgraded to a maximum level of five.

Iron tokens are worth 10 points.

Gold tokens are worth 100 points

Upgrade to level 2 needs 30 points

Upgrade to level 3 needs 60 points

Upgrade to level 4 needs 150 points

Upgrade to level 5 needs 290 points

Nothing is wasted when leveling gear. Anything you put into any piece of gear will be given to a new piece if you use it to enhance another piece of gear.

In this shot I added a level 2 green sword to enhance this chest piece.

A level two item is worth 20 points and it took 30 points to get this item to level two. That is a total of 50 points.

The chest piece is 20 points into level two just from adding the sword.

So, every point that was put into the green sword was put into the chest piece, plus the worth of the green sword itself.


After completing Stage 2-8 the Arena will unlock. This is where you set up a single team and it fights against other player's teams.

The first fight in the Arena is against a Practice Dummy.

You get five free attempts to fight in the Arena per day. After that, you would need to spend Challenge Tickets to compete more that day.

Every victory gives 20 honor, which can be spent in the Arena store, and 10,000 gold.

Your ranking in the Arena will increase or decrease based on the outcome of who you fight.

You will have three options of players to fight in the Arena at one time. You will be able to see each player's power, name, and how much you would give if you win or lose. If you don't like your options you can click the fresh button on the upper right hand side of the screen. It will go on a cooldown of three seconds.

You can reorder your team before each combat and you can back out with no penalty if you do so before the button at the bottom of the screen to challenge.

Daily Quests


This is the General Store. Everything is extremely overpriced and nothing should be touched besides the one free stamina potion a day.

This is the Arena Store. This is where you spend your honor that you've earned in the arena.

Buying the max amount of tomes you currently need is probably the best idea every day.

This is the Guild Store. This is where you spend your contribution points.

Every single day you should buy those 5 construction plans. They add up and they are very needed for the District Challenge

If you can afford it, its also not a bad idea to buy Tomes of Heritage.

This is the Equipment Store.

First, let me say the most important thing. Do not spend your gems on gear. It is not worth it. (You will get godlike gear in VoC, I promise)

As you progress in the story you will eventually be able to buy legendary items for gold and that is totally okay to do.

You can refresh this page, but it does cost gems and really shouldn't be done.


The Codex


There are multiple races in the game, but champions are split into clans, not races.

For example, both Karg and Tidestorm are dragons, but they are two different clans.

There are currently 21 clans in the game and there are plans to add more.

Clan determines the role (Archer, Assassin, Mage, Tank, or Warrior) of a champion, which District they can be assigned to and their racial trait. Each clan has a male and female version. Gender determines a champions appearance and skills.

Discovery Rewards

The first time you obtain a champion from a clan you can claim a reward (always an interrogation scroll) in your Vassal Codex. There is one reward for the male version and one reward for the female version. You can swap between the two using the gender icon on the top right side of the screen.


The more renown you have with a clan, the more benefits you will get from them.

This can improve your districts and the champions from this clan.


This is a cool little feature that keeps track of your champions from a particular clan.

When a champion reaches a certain level they can become the number one member of their clan with the date they achieved it. Its kind of like a little hall of fame for each clan.

Summoning Circle

This is the summoning circle. This is where you can use summoning crystals or gems to obtain new champions.

Banquet Hall

This is the Banquet Hall. At the bottom of the screen you will see a list of banquets currently being held. To the right of the screen you will see a fairly blended in arrow. This takes you to the next page of banquets.

The banquets on the far left are the ones closest to completion. There is no limit to the number of banquets you can join a day, you just can't join more than two at the same time, so these are the banquets I usually go for. Your own banquet does not count against the two you can join.

Banquet Gift

When you want to attend a banquet, you must give the host a gift.

Deluxe Gifts cost 1000 gold and give things like energy potions

Banquet Gift Pack 3

Banquet Gifts

When you want to attend a banquet, you must give the host a gift. This gift will contribute banquet points to the banquet. When the banquet is over, the host and all the guests will recieve a gift box in the mail. The gift box's quality will be based on

Deluxe Gifts cost 1000 gold and give things like energy potions

Banquet Points

This screen shows the amount of banquet points that has been contributed from all the guests. When points reach a certain level, it upgrade the tier of rewards both the guest and host receive when the banquet is over.

A Deluxe Gift gives 1000 banquet points.


Immediately after joining a banquet, you will get mail that gives you the same kind of gift box you sent to the host.


These Deluxe gifts are usually my go to because they give pretty nice rewards for gold.

Paying 1000 gold for 2 energy potions is awesome.

Banquet Points

The Luxurious Gift gives 5000 banquet points for 50 gems.


You will immediately get the same kind of gift you sent to the host.


I personally don't think this is worth it at all. Fifty gems for a potion of vigour is awful.

A wise goblin once told me: "Time is money, friend." and I put time into getting my gems.

Banquet Points

The Exquisite Gift gives 20,000 banquet points for 200 gems.


Same as the others, you immediately get the same kind of gift in the mail.


And we just spent 200 gems on 2 Attire. Each attire gives a companion +2 charm. Very unworth.

Admittedly, I've never see the higher end of banquet rewards, so maybe it plays out somewhere else, but I doubt it.




After beating stage 3-20, you will be given a wedding ring and a male fulgur. The game will redirection you to the "Seven Days event" and have you claim the reward that includes a female Karg.

Then, it will walk you through the marriage process and you will end up with this new female Karg. This is currently the only half-breed in the game, although there is supposed to be plans for more.

I am wondering if half-breeds will only occur when they have both racial traits, or if breeding with two separate races will always cause half-breeds some day.

There is no way to avoid this marriage and keep the male fulgur. I have tried many times, but it is part of the tutorial and can't be skipped in any way.