District Challenge Rewards

Rank 1 and Rank 2 Rewards

Rank 3 and Rank 4-5 Rewards

Rank 6-10 and Rank 11-20 Rewards

Rank 21-50 and Rank 51-100 Rewards

The District Challenge is a good event. The bouquets are definitely nice to have and so are the love packs.

When Does the District Challenge Start?

The District Challenge starts after the Arena/Heir Challenge and lasts for three days. It always pairs up with the Charm Challenge.

Preparing for the District Challenge

I think preparing for the District Challenge requires the most amount of self control.

1. You can't spend your food. You should be able to save millions of food per week.

2. You can't spend your construction plans. You should be able to get a few hundred of these a week.

3. You need to save most of your senate orders. I think its fine to just spend a couple here or there if its for a quest, but for the most part they need to be saved.

4. You need to only get food when solving senate issues. No gold (which isn't worth it anyway) and no gear rolls (yes, even if its the godlike gear).

5. Participate in Valley of Conquerors. This gives a lot of food.

6. Participate in other events as they usually give food as well.

During the District Challenge

The limited time quest for the District Challenge are separated into two categories: food spent and construction plans spent. If you saved up properly, you should be able to complete all these quests in minutes.

If you want to be as efficient as possible, refer to the Developmental Guide Quests to know what you will be asked to do next. Otherwise, hire workers 10 at a time in a district until another district becomes cheaper.

Aim to get at least one 5, 10, 15, or 20 district level per District Challenge. This is because this lets you assign an extra champion to that District. Refer to the Districts page to see costs.

Spending Gems

This pack gives 50 construction plans, 600k food, and 5 senate orders for 599 gems.

At lower levels, this pack really isn't that bad. The construction plans and senate orders make it pretty worth it.

At higher levels, not so much. Levels will start costing over 100 construction plans per level.

The food really isn't worth it. I was able to save up over 50 mil food before my first District Challenge on my second server. 600k doesn't make a dent.

These packs can be bought strategically, though. If this pack would push you over so you go up a rank, or give you one of the milestones in district levels, I'd go for it.

This pack gives 80 construction plans, 1.2 mil food, 10 senate orders, and 7 1/2 hours of bonus gold for 1399.

The gold is worth nothing. I would not spend gems on gold.

This gives 20 less construction plans than two 599 packs for 201 more gems.

This pack gives 120 construction plans, 2 mil food, 12 senate orders, 6 hours of bonus gold, and one 3 star champion random token.

This actually gives less bonus gold than the previous pack, its just packaged differently to look better.

The champion is worth nothing. You get three star champions from dungeons for free. The rarity doesn't matter, eventually only mythic will matter.

So, this pack gives 30 less construction plans than three 599 packs and 3 less senate plans for 202 more gems.

This pack gives 160 construction plans, 3 mil food, 15 senate orders, 12 hours of bonus gold, and two 3 star champion random tokens.

I think this might be the worst pack so far.

You get 90 less construction plans, and 10 less senate orders than five 599 packs for 4 additional gems.

This is another event that if you choose to spend gems on, you should only spend on the 599 packs as they have the best value.