The Might Challenge Rewards

Rank 1 and Rank 2 Rewards

Rank 3 and Rank 4-5 Rewards

Rank 6-10 and Rank 11-20 Rewards

Rank 21-50 and Rank 51-100 Rewards

The Might Challenge gives some of the best rewards out of all events currently in the game. Ranking high in the Might Challenge will help you snowball with other events.

When Does the Might Challenge Start?

The Might Challenge starts after the Intimacy Event (Although, I think it may be slightly different during the first two weeks of a server)

Preparing for the Might Challenge

Starting at the End of the Previous Might Challenge

Fill up your Heirs

Mythic heirs are the number one way of gaining power during the Might Challenge. Each mythic heir is worth at least 1 million Might and it could be worth more depending on the level of traits they are born with.

You should fill your heir slots up with as many mythic heirs as you can in the days prior to the event. Right before the Might Challenge is the Intimacy Challenge, so if you can produce better heirs, feel free to replace the other mythic heirs as you go. The goal is to have all of your heir slots filled, raised, but not developed for the Might Challenge.

When the event starts, you can develop all your heirs and then immediately start breeding more to give yourself the most time to raise them. Depending on how many slots you have for your heirs, this could be up to 15 mil Might right off the bat.

If you are not able to breed mythic heirs yet, just breed as many of the highest quality heirs you can.

Optional Methods

Summoning Crystals

Summoning Crystals should either be used during the Might Challenge or during a Summoning Event for a new champion. Using Summoning Crystals during the Might Challenge is more valuable in the very early game (before anyone has mythic heirs) and more so to F2P players. This is because in the beginning there will be a lot less Might being gained. You might still need better champions to assign to your Districts. A new or upgraded champion could be the push you need to get further in the campaign to get better gear. Raw Might gain from a mythic is great early gain.

After the first one or two Might Challenges it really falls off and I'll explain in more detail my feelings on Summoning Crystals below. You can still do it, but you can also save them for Summoning Events. The rewards aren't great there, either.

In the end, definitely use the Summoning Crystals during an event, but don't put all your hopes and dreams in this basket.

Fill up your Dungeons

Fill your dungeons with 1000 interrogation prisoners and have them ready to recruit.

This really doesn't give that much might, but during the early game as a F2P player I took Might where I could get it. This is really only worth it for the first Might Challenge. After that, its pretty much a waste of time.

The Hour Before the Might Challenge

Reset Your Champions

Right before the Might Challenge is about to start reset all of your Champions. When you reset a champion it sets their level back to one, resets their skills, and removes all of their armor. (Stars remain the same).

This is important because your Total Might when the challenge begins is your starting point. That means, when you level your champions up, give them their skills, and put gear on them it is like you are doing so for the first time. Using this method also means you do not need to save your bonus gold chest for this event. You can use it whenever and it will still be like new because of the reset. The same goes for wearing godlike armor. As long as you take it off before the event starts its like you never had it.

**Pro-tip: Give your main champions and your district champions 1-2 levels back to make them easier to find when its time to level them, again.

Reset Disclaimer

I have seen some debate on whether or not this is cheating.

In my opinion, it's not. I

t may be a cheesing things a bit, but overall I think its good, especially for lower level players. Higher level players are always going to be able to gain a lot of Might if they can breed mythic heirs. They can get millions and millions of Might like that. Getting Might for lower level players isn't as easy, so this allows them to at least complete the quests in the challenge, especially if they weren't prepared for the event otherwise.

It also doesn't really favor P2W players too much because they are still bound by the limits of their gold. Even with a ton of gold, these levels aren't going to make the difference that mythic heirs make anyway. Again, if anything, it favors F2P players and lower level players much more than P2W players and higher level players.

During the Might Challenge

"Value" Packs


5 Explorations and 450,000 gold


10 Explorations and 1.1 mil gold


15 Explorations, 200 minutes of gold (less than 3.5 hours), 30 Tomes of Knowledge and 8 Tomes of Heritage


5 Summoning Crystals, 3 hours of gold, 10 explorations, 8 Tomes of Heritage and 4 Senate Orders


10 Summoning Crystals, 5 hours of gold, 20 Explorations, 10 Tomes of Heritage, and 8 Senate Orders

Why Not?

I promise you, it is not worth it.

I have no idea where they came up with those 'values', but they are not valuable in the least. I think the game is very generous in what it provides for its players (both F2P and P2W) and that has given me a lot of respect for the devs of this game. It is my assumption that these packs were made working better in theory than practice. In all honesty, I don't really care if they give us better packs for the Might Challenge or not. I think there are a lot of ways to gain Might without buying packs and I'm happy to save my gems for other Challenges.


Above is a 10 roll from my F2P account.

Below is a 10 roll from my husband's F2P account.

The 5999 Value Pack for Might Challenge Breakdown

10 Summoning Crystals

The first thing you get is 10 Summoning Crystals. Let me start by saying that while it is not a bad idea to use Summoning Crystals during the Might Challenge, it is not a efficient way of earning Might.

Some games give a bonus chance to get better rolls if you do 10 pulls at once, but Bloodline is not one of them. If you are rolling with gems, there is a 200 gem discount, but I think there are better uses for gems than rolling. If you are rolling with Summoning Crystals there is no added benefit to a 10 roll.

Since the rolls are 100% RNG that means that at your very worst you can roll all blues, which is worth about 0.5 mil at its best. The best roll I have ever seen was on my husband's account in which he rolled 2 mythic champions and 2 legendary champions. He said the Might increase was around 3 mil.

Even in the best case scenario that isn't worth it. In the Diamond Shop (which I don't recommend you use) 6480 gems are $99.99. Sure, you can probably save up 6,000 gems in a week or so, but I still don't think that's good.

Max Might Gain: 3 mil

5 hours of Bonus Gold

On my P2W account I get around 13 mil gold an hour and on my F2P account I get around 6.5 mil per hour. I'd get 65 mil on my P2W and 32.5 mil on my F2P. Sounds like a lot, right? Not really. One level on my P2W costs between 54 mil and 99 mil (25k Might). One level on my F2P costs between 29 mil and 38 mil (10k Might).

At best this is one level, at worst I can't even gain a level.

Even for lower level accounts, this still isn't worth it. Not to mention you get so many of these chests throughout the game for free anyway.

Max Might Gain: 25-30k

20 Explorations

I love Explorations. They are one way I get my common champions, which are very important to me for marriages. At lower levels, I would save my Explorations for Might, but once you start raising mythic heirs, it really doesn't dent anything.

Explorations can give Companion Favorability, common champions (between 2k and 24k), Headwear for charm, Iron Tokens for enhancing gear, 10k gold, Bonus Gold, and Energy Potions. It may give a few other things, but they are slipping my mind right now. The point is, all of that is so tiny. The most 'worth it' thing you can get from this event is the Energy Potion so maybe you can get 3 more quick raises on an heir. For raw Might, 24k is most likely the max you'll see.

Max Might Gain: 75k (a generous estimation)

10 Tombs of Heritage

Okay, I will admit. I am constantly in need for these... but, to upgrade a champion's main skill (the middle one), from level 6 to 7 (which is the first time you will need these) it costs 23 ToH and from level 11 to 12 it cost 136 ToH. So, this isn't even one single skill level worth of Tombs.

You can buy 10 ToH from the Guild store for 1600 contribution. You can get around 1500 contribution a day just from checking in, fighting/blitzing the Guild Boss and doing Daily Quests.

You can also buy 5 ToH from the Arena Store for 200 Honor. You can get around 100 Honor a day just from fighting in the Arena and more during the Arena Challenge.

Max Might Gain: 15k (half a skill level)

8 Senate Orders

These should not be used during the Might Event. You need Senate Orders for Food during the Distract Challenge. Your main source of Food is going to be Senate Issues. You should not be using Senate Issues for anything besides Food and I'll explain why elsewhere. So, this is a 0 Might gain.

Max Might Gain: 0

Final Thoughts

So, absolute best case scenario you are looking at around 3,120,000 Might for what the game values at $100 worth of gems. At worst, you can be looking at 600,000 Might or less.

One mythic heir can be worth between 1 mil to 2 mil Might depending on their trait level. You get better traits on your heirs by raising your intimacy with the respective companion. 5,999 gems can buy 10 of the base value Intimacy packs (599 gems) during the Intimacy Challenge, which is much more worth it.

Save your gems.

Heirs, Heirs, Heirs

Raise as many mythic heirs as you can during the event. If it looks like the ending is going to be a close call, you can even have a few saved up to raise at the last minute ;)


Marriage can be a good way to gain some might, especially since you will have so many heirs sitting around, but just be sure you are doing it with level 22 traits. You seem to gain around a mil per successful marriage.

The Altar

This is also a great time to start ascending your mythic champions.

Right Before the Event Ends

This has always made a huge difference for me. My super secret trick:

If you have champions level 360 or above, you should be able to do it this way:
The last 30 or so minutes of the event, reset your highest level champion. Scroll to the bottom of the list and start leveling your weakest champions to their max. If you run out of gold, reset another high level champion. If you run too low, just make sure that everyone with higher stars has at least 200 levels. The goal is to just spread your levels out as much as possible. This gives you your highest might score.

If you don't have very high level champions, just reset everyone and level them as evenly as possible. It will still give you a nice boost even if you can't max everyone out.

Then, after you've rearranged all of those levels, hop over to your districts and make sure you have the best champions in each district. (sometimes I even end up finding upgrades this way)